Thursday, 5 May 2011
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
The Salford Commute
Monday, 11 April 2011
The Daisy Factory & Other Knits
So, particularly, the gorgeous sunshine has inspired a pile of daisies. (A few of which are pictured here!) They're quite dainty, the petals are 9 stitches at the widest point on 3mm needles, and therefore are super versatile. They can be attached to jewellery backs to make great hairgrips or pins for jackets & handbags.
The important thing to remember is to keep plenty of extra wool at the base of each petal, as they need to be sticked together quite extensively. Extra wool leaves some scope to play with the structure and make sure each flower sits as you'd like it too.
Variations on the theme...
Aww, I love this, it took about 2 minutes. (It's circle that's just been tied tightly from one end to the middle so it starts to look heart shaped.) And it jazzes up a monotone outfit. (I wear them with fun pumps, of-the-moment white jeans & a plain dark tee or vest.)
I've also been knitting kittens for the family. Patterns for these are all over the internet and superbly simple. Kittens are basically constructed from a rectangle, a thin strip for the tail, and a third piece for the head. Lots of scope to go organic with the colours...
So, I'm attempting to create a miniature knitted kitten family that replicates my Mother's real farm-kitten family. Two down, (Introducing Fuzzy and Womble.) Six to go.
And finally.... My contribution towards a 'knitted poem' that my town is attempting to complete before the Royal Wedding weekend Poetry Festival. I followed their pattern for this one, and it was actually quite refreshing to follow exact instructions!
So, next project.... who knows! Perhaps a scarf or hat created from an unravelled old Grandad jumper?
Monday, 28 March 2011
Objects of Lust
Creature shaped earrings! Gawp in wonderment at their quirky timelessness. Now, the flower on the left isn't quite a 'creature' per se, but that pair were in a jewelry box that's a family heirloom. I adore that Topshop (responsible for the middle 3) are still churning out stuff of such a similar ilk.
So, that's all, and for this week my ears (recently re-punctured after a winter of woolly hats - ouch!) shall be constantly adorned with creepy crawlies.
Hurrah, off to knit daisies now.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
New Year Scrimp: Thai Vegetable Soup
First to hit a deep soup pan on medium heat are a few cloves of garlic (no scrimping here) crushed with the back of a knife then diced. Also half a red o
nion, diced, A chilli, also diced (or dried crushed chilli, lasts for ages and almost as good) & half a teaspoon of ginger powder. Splash the olive oil in and fry off whilst chopping a large sweet potato. Bang the potato in too, and stir for a few secs before adding 500ml of water fresh from the kettle.
Right, now I'd also add my homemade thai fish stock, which I'll explain at the end* or could be replaced with a tin of coconut milk, 1/4 of a fish stock cube, another dash of ginger & chilli, and some lime juice (equiv. about 1 lime)
Chop up about 2 courgettes and add them, then do whiff test. If th
e coconut's a tad overpowering I'd add some more lime or ginger, to taste. Leave the pot to simmer (covered) for about 20 mins, stirring regularly, and taking the time to dice some pak choi and mushrooms, then return to mash! (Or blend, but I prefer mashing...) Then time to whack in the diced veg, and leave for another 5-10 mins (if it looks pretty near to awesome at this point then cover, but not if it's a bit liquidy, let excess water steam off.) It's also time to taste test that badboy, add more of whatever feels right! Also some Cayenne pepper is handy if you fancy some more heat.
What do I need?
Olive oil.
Red onion.
Ginger powder.
Fresh or dried chilli.
Sweet potato.
Courgettes (or similar if you're clearing the fridge out..)
Pak Choi.
*What about that stock?
Now, this stock was a byproduct of yesterday's supper, as all the best are. 'Poached white fish & veg.' So, I poached my fish-tacular in coconut milk, with lime, chilli & a generous dose of ginger. I also whacked some veg (courgettes and mushrooms) in with it. Afterwards, the stock is saved from the pyrex dish.
(Unrelated to stock but when poaching, only half cover the fish & top with a crust of cayenne breadcrumbs, made from binding butter, plain flour & cayenne pepper.)
Et Voila! Now, doesn't that make you feel like you're here..?
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